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Hegel is Tinkerbell’s metadata store that can be used during common provisioning processes such as cloud-init. Metadata is exposed over HTTP and sources from various fields on the Hardware custom resource.

Take a look at the code in the tinkerbell/hegel GitHub repository.



You can access Hegel in a Tinkerbell setup at the Provisioner’s IP address /metadata. You can use cURL to retrieve the metadata it stores.

Hegel by default exposes an HTTP API on port 50061. You can interact with it via cURL

curl $HEGEL_IP:50061/metadata

You can also retrieve a AWS EC2 compatible format uses from /meta-data.

curl $HEGEL_IP:50061/<date>/meta-data

For example, if you are using the Local Setup with Vagrant, Hegel runs as part of the Provisioner virtual machine with the IP: When the Worker starts and if you have logged in to hook using the password root you can access the metadata for your server via curl:

curl -s "" | jq .
  "facility": {
    "facility_code": "onprem"
  "instance": {},
  "state": ""

Or in AWS EC2 format:

curl -s ""

If you look at the hardware-data.json that we used during the Vagrant setup you will find the facility_code=onprem as well.

Other Resources

Every cloud provider is capable of exposing metadata to servers that you can query as part of your automation, usually via HTTP. Some examples are: