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A Workflow brings together Hardware and a Template for execution.

Workflows are specified as a Kubernetes custom resource definition (CRD) and are managed by tink-controller.

apiVersion: ""
kind: Workflow
  name: example
  templateRef: ubuntu
  hardwareRef: example-hardware
    device_1: 00:00:00:00:00:01
    key: value
  • templateRef is the name of the Template to use. Required.
  • hardwareRef is the name of the Hardware to use. Required.
  • hardwareMap is a map of key-value pairs that are passed to the Template as environment variables.


The hardwareMap field is a map of User defined key-value pairs that can be referenced in a Template. Normally, one of these key-value pairs is used to specify a worker ID in the Template. This value is normally the MAC address of the NIC (network interface card) that the worker will use to network boot. hardwareMap does not support nested objects.

Workflow Status

The status of a Workflow is updated by the tink-controller. Tink-controller will initially render the Template from templateRef interpolating any templating in the Template and then saving the whole Template into the status. As the Workflow progresses through its lifecycle, tink-controller will update fields like seconds, startedAt, and status. The status field can be used to determine the current state of the Workflow and to identify any issues that may have occurred during the execution of the Workflow. Get the workflow status by running kubectl get workflow -o yaml example. The following Workflow status values are possible: STATE_PENDING, STATE_RUNNING, STATE_FAILED, STATE_TIMEOUT, and STATE_SUCCESS.


If after submitting a Workflow and a kubectl get workflow example does not show any STATE and/or a kubectl get workflow example -o yaml does not show the full Template there has most likely been an issue rendering the Template. For example, if a {{ .key }} referenced in the Template was not found in the Workflow hardwareMap. Check the logs of the tink-controller pod for any error messages.

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v1alpha1 Spec